Your managers are the linchpin of your organisation.


Do they have the skills and confidence to lead their teams in such a highly charged environment?


An organisation wide C2M program develops confident , competent managers.


Get in touch, get started today

C2M is specifically designed to drastically reduce the time it takes for your managers to become effective leaders in your organisation. 


We've been using these materials across the health and aged care industry for over 10 years.


In that time we have helped thousands of clinicians in hundreds of different health and aged care settings gain more confidence become more competent as managers, and make a difference to their organisations and the people they care for

Increase productivity with C2M

Increase your productivity

Managers who are supported and mentored become more valuable more quickly. They're able to take responsiblilty sooner and are less likely to get burnt out and leave.

Improve your safety culture with C@M

Improve your safety culture

Managers who understand themselves are much better equipped to understand their staff and their team culture making them more likely to create an open and safe environment. 

Reduce ongoing costs with C2M

Reduce ongoing management costs

C2M actively creates a list of possible successors to all of your management positions. Instantly reducing the hidden costs of management turnover.

What Makes C2M Different?

  •  Access to Expertise: Our accredited facilitators and mentors are experts in their areas of leadership and management – and that's because they have been there and done that. 
  • We Walk the Talk: It's not just theory.  We’re in the trenches with our fingers firmly on the pulse.
  • Peer Support: The C2M Tribe are clinical managers, they can answer your questions, and provide feedback and support.
  • How to: We'll share practical tips and ‘how to’ guides on great tools and strategies that are working for us and those who join us in the Academy.  There'll be LIVE case studies to give you a look behind the scenes into other teams and organisations.
  • Our Full Commitment: We eat, sleep and breathe clinical leadership and management. The Academy is our core focus and we love helping people like you achieve success. It’s what we do, and we’re not going anywhere!
  • It Works: We've been using these materials across the health and aged care industry for over 10 years. In that time we've helped thousands of clinicians gain more confidence become more competent as managers, and make a difference to their organisations and the people they care for.
Start improving your management expertise today, get in touch.

C2M Features

The Clinician 2 Manager Acceleration Program is designed to strengthen the capability and confidence of your management team so they can manage their team, resources and change, and lead a culture that empowers their people to foster safety, well-being and continuous improvement.

  • Prepare your managers to hit the ground running – This program provides the core knowledge, skills and confidence that aspiring, new and even experienced managers can apply immediately to their work, so they can more confidently manage their teams, inter-personal relationships and conflict, and lead organisational change and improvement projects.
  • Drive continuous improvement - This Program provides the perfect opportunity for your managers to initiate and manage a project leading to an organisational improvement, establishing their skills in driving continuous quality and safety improvement. Our C2M graduates have led hundreds of significant organisational improvements over the years, resulting in thousands of dollars saved, risks averted and massive quality and process improvements.  For a taste of the type of projects our Graduates have led, click here .
  • Build a management succession plan – Good clinical managers are hard to find so why not build your pool of great prospects! Our program can be tailored to new and aspiring managers so they are ready to step up whenever their managers are taking leave or – when you have those unexpected vacancies.

What do participants get?

The Program is typically delivered over 7 months and includes:


The Empowered Leader

Unpack the Unit Manager role, what it takes to become an organisational steward, design the most empowering leadership style and culture.

Managing Time & Delegation

Develop the mindset, tools and strategies to multiply capacity, focus and increase productivity

Managing Change and Continuous Improvement

Lead a change project that makes a difference and foster a culture of continuous improvement

Managing Relationships (Conflict & Collaboration)

Building collaborative relationships and dealing constructively with conflict

Managing Budgets

How to build, manage and grow your budget

Managing People & Performance

From recruitment to performance management to employee relations

All the tools they  need delivered by experts in the field

  • Delivered by experts who have actual experienced managing in health and aged care as well as the qualifications and research. Our team are clinical leaders and managers who have transitioned from clinical right through to the executive levels of health and aged care.  They continue to practice as managers, clinicans and consultants in our sector
  • Action based - The Program is based on adult-learning principles, is highly interactive and designed to be applied in the participants’ life and work. Participants immediately apply the concepts, strategies and tools to their workplace policies, procedures and processes. In this way, the program accommodates the specific context the participant manages in. 
  • 7 monthly face-to-face Practice Lab sessions (in person and/or zoom, depending on your preferences and circumstances)
  • Workbooks for every online training units and Practice Lab
  • 100s of videos, practical tools and templates that help apply the content in the workplace
  • Validated self-assessment diagnostics to gain personal insight into how manages think, behave and impact on their people and the culture
  • A final graduation ceremony including presentations from participants on their improvement projects.
  • 12 Months access to C2M Academy online training units,
  • 12 months access to C2M tribe – all of our members and our C2M Mentors on tap to asnwer questions and share resources
  • 12 month access to our monthly online C2M Group Coaching Sessions where our C2M Mentors and invited guest experts address the real issues and questions that managers have in their everyday, providing practical advice, guidance and tools
  • State of the art, cutting edge Learning platform that is user friendly and engaging
  • Training designed by expert educationalists to create the best possible learning experience

Frequently Asked Questions