
Learn face to face, online and with our mentors

The Clinician 2 Manager Journey

A structured success path for aspiring and practicing nurse managers taking you through the 7 domains to transition from clinician to manager and becoming an empowered leader.  This will save you so much time and stress.

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C2M Acceleration Program

A 6-month training program combining online and face-to-face training to develop nurses' management confidence and competence, and drive organisational improvement. Hold a Program in-house and build a pool of high-performing unit managers.

Contact us for more information and to design your C2M Acceleration Program.

C2M Academy Member

Like your nurse management operating manual with a supportive community.  You get practical, online training, videos, templates and techniques to manage yourself, your people, your time, and your money.  

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Map your success path from great clinician to great manager & empowered leader

Do you want to know the quickest, most effective path to becoming a confident manager and empowered leader?

Download your FREE C2M Roadmap Now

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