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Your Recipe for Success

2022 plan for success Jan 10, 2022

I feel like we have reached a turning point, and I have plans to make sure it is for the better…

Hope you had an amazing festive season and have found some space to decompress and recalibrate. I know many of you won’t have had this opportunity because you are still out there working on the front lines caring for people and testing for Covid. I thank you for that.

It’s been a crazy 2 years for everyone, and I know many have felt completely disempowered as our lives and work seemed out of our control and in the hands of Covid. This is certainly how I felt many times over the past 24 months.  There have been times, when I have felt like I am holding my breath, waiting for something to happen. Waiting to take my next step but not sure when I could, or where I should?

Despite all of that, I have an overwhelming sense of optimism and hope that 2022 is going to be a real turning point – and a big year of transformation. I believe we’ll work out how to lead fulfilling lives even while covid is endemic. But I am not leaving this to chance. I plan to take back control in my own life and deliberately design 2022 so that I am empowered to lead the best possible life I can. And I want to share with you my strategy for doing just that.  Here goes…


Recipe for Success in 2022


I call it my recipe for success. Typically, at this time of year, I take some time out to reflect on the year that’s gone and the one that is starting and envision what success looks like for each of the 4 dimensions of my life.  Let me explain…

  1. LIVE – This is about how we live and show up in the world. This is about my physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional self. This year I am focusing on being more vital, eating clean and whole-food, feeling grateful and finding joy, every day.
  2. WORK – This is about what we do to contribute, whether it is paid or unpaid. This year I am focusing on launching the C2M Academy membership and monthly coaching calls so we can increase our capacity to train and coach more nurses and midwives, so they realise their power to make a bigger difference as managers (I’ll tell you more about that soon).
  3. RELATE – This is about our relationships and partnerships, and include family, friends, work colleagues, business associates, neighbours, and so on. For me, this year must be about making more time and space in my life for my parents who are getting older and frailer.
  4. INHABIT – This is about how we inhabit the earth, what we do on it, how we use it. Every year I try to reduce my drain on the world’s resources but this year I am ratcheting that up by establishing a self-sustaining homestead that is as off the grid as I can possibly make it!

Now, the next step is to have an honest look at what I need to do to realise this vision.  Either I must do things differently, do more of something or less of something – and then commit to the plan! 

Here’s your Recipe for Success in 2022

To help you take control of your 2022 and design your own Recipe for Success I have created a template to guide you. Just click the button below for your own Recipe for success.

DOWNLOAD NOW - Your 2022 Recipe for Success

Before you go, scroll down and leave a comment letting me know one thing you plan to do in 2022 to either live your best life, do the work that makes a difference, build the relationships that count, or how you intend to inhabit your world. What’s one thing you will give up, take up or continue? 

Take good care


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